There are now four manuals in this series.
Click on the titles below to look at the list of sequences in each of the manuals.
"A Manual of Yoga Postures in Sequences for Home
Practice, part 1"
"A Manual of Yoga Postures in Sequences for Home
Practice, part 2"
"A Manual of Yoga Postures in Sequences for Home
Practice, part 3"
"A Manual of Yoga Postures in Sequences for Home
Practice, part 4"
These manuals show a series of Yoga sequences which are ideal for practice
at home. As well as clear photographic illustrations
of the postures there are clear explanatory notes
with each sequence to guide the student through all the postures.
Click here to look at the first manual in more detail.
"I decided to create these manuals to enable students of
yoga to practise at home. This seems to be a problem for most people
as it is difficult to remember the postures and sequences taught
in the classes. However, if learned and practised regularly, the
level of strength, flexibility and general health will improve immensely
in a short period of time and the weekly sessions at the yoga class
become more enjoyable and more beneficial as there is less risk
of overstretching ligaments or pulling muscles."
Each of the sequences, such as the "Diver Sequence",
has a detailed page of notes, explaining carefully how to carry
out each posture.
On the left you can see the detailed instructions relating to
each position.
How to order one of the manuals
Each of the sequences in the manuals has a single A4 page showing
a series of clear photographic illustrations of all the postures
in the sequence.
To see a high resolution sample page from the manual for downloading,
click here
A Manual of Yoga Postures in Sequences for Home Practice, part 1
The Basics of Hatha Yoga
The Diver Sequence
Spinal Mobility Sequence
Split Leg Standing Sequence
Dynamic Stretch Sequence
Warrior and Triangle Sequence
Salute to the Sun
Working Towards Paschimottanasana
Working Towards Kurmasana (Tortoise)
Working Towards Praying Mantis
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A Manual of Yoga Postures in Sequences for Home Practice, part 2
Benefits and Precautions
Greet The Day Sequence - Pranamasana Sequence
Cobra, Locust & Bow - Bhujangasana, Salabhasana, Dandurasana
Spinal Twists - working towards Matsyendrasana
Tree Balances (Virksasana) and variations
The Chandra Sequence (moon sequence)
Dancer Balance Postures - including Natarajasana
The Camel - working towards Ushtrasana
Sitting Balances - working towards Merudandasana
Shoulder Stand and Plough with variations
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A Manual of Yoga Postures in Sequences for Home Practice, part 3
Notes on the Sequences in the Manual
Anti-rheumatic Exercises (Pawanmuktasana)
Anti-gastric Exercises (Pawanmuktasana)
Energy Block Release Sequence (Shakti Bandha)
Arms, Shoulders and Upper Back Sequence
Salutation to the Elements (Tattwas Namaskara)
Limb Movement Sequence
Janusirshasana Sequence
Lunge and Crescent Moon Sequence
Weight-bearing Posture Sequence
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A Manual of Yoga Postures in Sequences for Home Practice, part 4
Notes on the Sequences in the Manual
Sacro Stretch Sequence
Warrior Limbering Sequence
Step Forward Sequence
Hip Mobility Sequence
Heart Space Sequence 1
Heart Space Sequence 2
Svanasana Sequence - part I
Svanasana Sequence - part II
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